Contribution Terms of Service

You are invited to contribute your recollections, photographic images, video, social media postings or other digital content to The Stone House Center for Public Humanities (CPH), which is creating a digital record of the Slippery Rock community's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This digital record project is a partnership between the CPH and Slippery Rock University Archives & Special Collections (University Archives).

You may submit only material created entirely by you and not copied from or based, in whole or in part, upon any other photographic, literary, or other material, except to the extent that such material is in the public domain, or you have permission of the copyright owner, or its use is allowed by "Fair Use" as prescribed by the terms of United States copyright law. If you would like to refer or nominate material which you do not own, please contact us.

You must be 18 years of age or older to submit material. By submitting content through this form, you are granting the CPH and the University Archives permission to disseminate, preserve, and use that content in connection with their educational and research missions, including promotional purposes, in all media in perpetuity. You retain ownership of and copyright in the material you share.

If you indicate on the form that your submission is “public,” your material may be published on the web (with or without your name, depending on what you have indicated) as part of the CPH’s and the University Archives’ digital collections or exhibits. Otherwise, your material will only be available per CPH and University Archives guidelines.

Submitted material must not violate any confidentiality, privacy, security or other laws. Please be aware that all submissions and any information associated with the submissions (email address, descriptive information, etc.) may be provided to federal, state, or local law enforcement or other government agencies pursuant to a lawful subpoena or otherwise as required by law.

The CPH is not obligated to include your content in this project or preserve it in perpetuity. Decisions to decline submissions will adhere to the guidelines of the CPH/University Archives collecting policies and deaccession policies.

(Terms and conditions adapted from the Society of American Archivists, Documenting in Times of Crisis: A Resource Kit )